A Parc Résidentiel de Loisirs (PRL) à cession de parcelles is a site specially dedicated to tourism and leisure, designed to accommodate light leisure accommodation (HLL) such as chalets, lodges or mobile homes. What's special about a PRL à cession is that, unlike a campsite or hotel PRL where you're just a tenant, you become the owner of your plot by deed signed before a notary. You have full ownership of your plot, and can personalize it in a secure, user-friendly environment.
Habitations Légères de Loisirs (HLL) are dismountable or transportable structures designed for temporary or seasonal occupation for leisure purposes, which can be set up in specially equipped PRLs, marking the distinction in tourist practice between the traditional "overnight" occupation of a campsite, and the more residential "weekend" occupation of a PRL. Chalets, mobile homes (from which the means of mobility have been removed) or lodges are structures without foundations, characterized by their light structure and respectful integration into the environment, offering comfort close to that of a traditional residence.
Self-catering properties are open and accessible all year round. But HLLs are for seasonal use only, and cannot be your main residence. PRLs can only accommodate second homes, in order to guarantee and preserve the tourist and recreational character of the parks. But they are accessible all year round, offering great flexibility, and the possibility of enjoying your HLL in any season.
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